Crisis Alert: Eliminating Title II-A Funding Will Further Cripple Our Education System Crisis Alert: Eliminating Title II-A Funding Will Further Cripple Our Education System

COLUMBIA, S.C., July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — As the nation grapples with an unprecedented teacher attrition crisis, the June 27th proposed elimination of Title II-A funding from the federal education budget for FY25 poses a severe threat to the quality of education. These funds are used to strengthen the preparedness of teachers. Title II-A funding, essential for the professional development and retention of teachers, is on the chopping block at a time when the educational system is already in disarray from the impending end of ESSER funds.

“Removing this support would be catastrophic!”

Tracey Bryant Stuckey, a leader in the educational field, specializes in delivering relevant, student-centered and transformative professional development that is rooted deep in the principles and practices of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Professional development programs such as the National Board are essential in teacher development, which in turn impact student performance in a big way. However, these programs are costly and teachers simply do not earn enough to afford the professional development out of their own pocket.

“This is where Title II-A funding is vital for teachers as it offers principals and districts an avenue for funding their teachers’ professional growth in high quality professional development programs,” said Stuckey. “At a time when teacher morale is at an all-time low and the attrition rate is skyrocketing, removing this support would be catastrophic.” Tracey Bryant Stuckey and Learning Forward invite you to fight and protect this necessary learning and professional development of teachers by sending a message to your members of Congress now, demanding that Title II-A funding not be cut! 

Title II-A is also responsible for many programs that support new teachers including mentorship programs. Without mentors, new teachers will struggle to adapt and grow professionally, thus creating an equity gap between students in a veteran teacher’s classroom and those assigned to a novice teacher. This compounded with the lack of growth opportunity without these professional development funds will cause attrition to soar even higher, and at that point, will ultimately be infringing on an entire generation’s human right to education.

The House Appropriations Subcommittee is set to propose FULL ELIMINATION of Title II-A for FY 25. We need your voice to speak up for our students and teachers. Let your congressional representatives know they need to reject the House version of the appropriations bill. proudly stands in support of other organizations, such as Learning Forward, who are champions for highly effective professional learning and catalysts for change. Learning Forward demonstrates evidence and research that informs professional learning decisions. You are invited to stand with us. Please send a message to your members of Congress now, demanding that Title II-A funding not be cut! 

For Media Contact:
Kyle Smith
[email protected]   

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