4 Tips for Flawless Summer-Ready Skin

NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Spring is the perfect time to refresh your skin and revamp your daily skincare routine. As summer approaches, it’s important to have a strong skin barrier and the products you need to protect it. As the founder of Nash Injections by Hannah, a Nashville Medical Spa and Aesthetics Clinic, here’s my expert advice to make sure you enter (and leave) the summer season with healthy, glowing skin.

We all love the bright, sunny days of summer. But the powerful sunshine coupled with moisture-zapping heat can take a toll on your skin. Your skin barrier, that protective outermost layer, acts as your first line of defense against summer’s external aggressors. A strong and healthy skin barrier helps retain moisture to keep your skin hydrated and repels harmful environmental pollutants. And the key to reinforcing this barrier lies in a balanced skincare regimen.

My summer-ready top 4 skincare tips include medical-grade skincare products, chemical peels, Botox, and (I cannot emphasize this enough) high-quality sunscreen.

Save $385 on aesthetic treatments with our Summer-Ready Package: Micro-needling, Peel, Skincare + Botox®.

1. Medical-Grade Skincare  

In my years of experience in aesthetics, ZO® Skin Health has stood out as one of the most cutting-edge and effective skincare brands. These products and protocols are specially designed to strengthen, restore, and protect the skin barrier, resulting in healthier and more resilient skin.

ZO® skincare products are designed to work synergistically to deliver the best results. Here’s an example of the typical daily skincare routine that I recommend to my Nashville clients:

Step#1: Cleanse 

Begin with cleansing your face thoroughly by using ZO® Gentle Cleanser or Exfoliating Cleanser for oily or acne-prone skin. Always start with a clean canvas. It is crucial to remove any dirt, makeup, or other agents that might be blocking your pores.

Step#2: Exfoliate

ZO® Exfoliating Polish sloughs off the dead skin cells and promotes new youthful skin. Remember to be gentle and avoid applying too much pressure.

Step#3: Tone

Use the ZO® Complexion Renewal Pads for a toning effect. This balances the skin’s natural pH levels and prepares your skin for the next steps.

Step#4: Treat

Apply ZO® Daily Power Defense. This product has powerful antioxidants to resist damage from free radicals. It rejuvenates your skin and promotes cellular function.

Step#5: Protect

Lastly, don’t forget your ZO® sunscreen. This forms a protective layer, defending your skin from harmful UV radiation responsible for premature aging and sunburns.

Consistency is key! Great skin takes time, so stick to your daily skincare routine. Your patience will pay off with a glowing, summer-ready complexion.

2. Chemical Peels

Introducing a chemical peel routine can work wonders for your summer-ready skin. These Med spa treatments help revive your complexion by shedding dead skin cells and unveiling fresher, brighter, and smoother skin underneath.

Chemical peels accelerate cell turnover by peeling off the outer layer of skin cells. This stimulates the growth of new cells, which can reduce fine lines, shrink pores, lighten dark spots, and give you a radiant glow.

Caring for your skin post-chemical peel requires careful attention and gentle handling. Keep in mind that your skin has undergone deep exfoliation, revealing a new, delicate layer that needs some extra TLC.

Here are my post-chemical peel rules:

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for healthy skin, especially post-peel and in warmer weather. Drink ample water and think about adding hyaluronic acid to your skincare routine to boost moisture levels. Hyaluronic acid, a natural component of the skin, plays a significant role in retaining moisture and keeping your skin looking youthful.

Be Gentle with Your Skin

Give your skin a breather! Avoiding harsh products and tough scrubbing for a while will let your skin heal naturally and completely. Let your skin naturally exfoliate and avoid the temptation of peeling or picking at your skin. Interfering with the natural shedding process could lead to unwanted scars or skin discoloration.

Limit activities that may induce excessive sweating or heat, like intense outdoor workouts (this includes pickleball!). Heavy activity could irritate your freshly peeled skin and lead to uneven pigmentation.

Shield Your Skin

Always use a high-quality sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays that can interfere with your skin’s healing process. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Remember, even on cloudy days, those UV rays can still reach your skin.

Consistency with Daily Skincare Routine

Once your skin has fully recovered and healed, usually after about a week, gradually return to your regular skincare routine. Post-peel, it’s highly recommended to stick with a medical-grade skincare routine. These clinically proven products are designed to enhance and maintain the health of your skin, providing the necessary nourishment and support for healing and beyond.

3. Botox® for Sweating

Botox, derived from a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria, is popular for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It works by blocking nerve signals in injected muscles, temporarily paralyzing them to smooth and rejuvenate the skin.

By relaxing the muscles that create wrinkles, Botox can prevent makeup from settling into fine lines and creases, resulting in a smoother and more flawless makeup application. But did you know that Botox can also reduce sweating?

Excessive sweating can cause makeup to smudge, smear, or wear off more quickly, especially in hot and humid conditions. By blocking the signals that stimulate sweat glands, Botox reduces perspiration in the treated areas, which helps your makeup stay in place for longer periods.

Pro tip: Botox can also be used to control underarm sweating, ensuring you stay dry and confident all summer long.

4. Good Sunscreen

Whether you’re heading to the beach, enjoying a backyard barbecue, or simply going about your day-to-day activities, sunscreen is a non-negotiable part of a summer skincare regimen.

Quick science lesson: UVA radiation, constituting 95% of UV rays reaching Earth, deeply penetrates the skin, causing tanning and accelerating aging by damaging collagen and elastin. Even though UVB radiation makes up only 5% of the UV rays from the sun, it is very high energy. UVB damages cells on the top layers of your skin and causes DNA mutations that can eventually lead to melanoma and other types of skin cancer.

Broad-spectrum sunscreens are your skin’s ultimate shield, protecting against both UVA and UVB rays. When selecting a broad-spectrum sunscreen, make sure to consider the Sun Protection Factor (SPF). The SPF indicates the level of protection against UVB rays. A minimum SPF of 30 is generally recommended by dermatologists. But for extended outdoor activities, use a higher SPF, especially in regions with intense sunlight.

My go-to sun protection: Smart Tone Broad-Spectrum SPF 50. This lightweight sunscreen not only provides reliable protection but also enhances your natural beauty. Its self-adjusting tint effortlessly blends with most skin tones, offering a fresh, hydrated glow—perfect for that natural, makeup-free look. Plus, with its exclusive antioxidant complex, it effectively combats the aging effects of UVA/UVB, IR-A rays, and HEV light.

As a rule of thumb, apply sunscreen approximately 30 minutes before stepping outdoors. This allows the sunscreen to fully bind to your skin before sun exposure. Always reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more often if you’re swimming or sweating excessively. Even if you’re using a high-SPF sunscreen, reapplication is crucial! SPF doesn’t determine sunscreen duration; it only shows how effectively it shields your skin from UVB rays.

Remember, every day is a good day for sunscreen. UV rays can penetrate windows and you can still get sunburned on cloudy days. So, apply sunscreen liberally daily, even if your immediate plans don’t involve direct sun exposure.

Professional Skin Care Advice

Achieving beautiful summer skin requires dedication and understanding of each step in your skincare routine. Your skin’s health is vital, serving as your body’s primary defense against the elements. As summer approaches, it brings new challenges like increased humidity and UV radiation levels, which can affect your skin’s balance and health.

If you are in Nashville, come see us at Nash Injections by Hannah. We offer free aesthetic consultations and flexible payment plans. We’re here to support you on your skincare journey and help you achieve radiant, healthy skin all summer long.

Author: Hannah Morse, RN, Founder of Nash Injections by Hannah

An Advanced Nurse Injector, Hannah has undergone extensive training under the guidance of top injectors in the aesthetic industry and is a certified ZO® Skin Health Specialist and Expert. Her commitment to staying informed about the latest products, techniques, studies, and protocols is a testament to her dedication to providing top-quality care.

PR contact: amy@injectionsbyhannah.com

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SOURCE Nash Injections by Hannah