Daily Veterans tribute started in 2021, is unique in the United States.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The United States World War I Centennial Commission and the Doughboy Foundation are marking the 1,000th performance of Daily Taps at the National World War I Memorial in Washington, DC. 

The event takes place on Monday, 19 February, at 5:00 pm EST, and includes remarks by Doughboy Foundation Executive Director Jari Villanueva. The bugler is Kevin PaulThe Doughboy Foundation operates the Daily Taps program.

Villanueva expressed his pride in the achievement. “This is a great day for us. It is a testament that speaks to the strength of our musicians, of our staff, and of our public supporters, who make the Daily Taps program happen,” he said. 

Taps is sounded every single day at the memorial, at 5:00 pm Eastern, as a tribute to America’s service members and veterans. The National WWI Memorial is the only place in the United States where Taps is performed live, every day, to honor the men and women of our military, past and present.

Daily Taps has been performed on this site since May 24th, 2021. Trumpeters from all across the United States have participated in the Daily Taps program, including: the legendary Arturo Sandoval; former Metropolitan Opera Principal Trumpet Mark Gould; active and retired military buglers; the National Symphony’s Michael Harper; and the Baltimore Symphony’s Matt Barker. The program is sustained through donations.

Like all the Daily Taps performances, the 1,000th performance can be viewed online. To learn more, and to watch the Daily Taps Ceremony, go to Doughboy.org.

For press information and to arrange interviews with key stakeholders and participants, please contact Chris Isleib at [email protected], or at (301) 641-4060.

About the U.S. WWI Centennial Commission:
The U.S. World War I Centennial Commission was established by Congress in 2013, to create public awareness regarding America’s involvement, and sacrifice, in World War I. The Commission was also authorized by Congress to create the National World War I Memorial in the Nation’s Capital. 

About the Doughboy Foundation:
The Doughboy Foundation is a nonprofit partner to the WWI Centennial Commission, with the mission to enhance the World War I Memorial experience. They do this through various ways: the performance of Daily Taps at the Memorial; expanding access to the Memorial via mobile apps; organizing signature events; and presenting Stories of Service, to encourage learning about America’s pivotal role in the War that Changed the World.

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SOURCE United States World War One Centennial Commission