Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Beyond Frames Entertainment AB (publ)

Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Beyond Frames Entertainment AB (publ)

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — At the extraordinary general meeting of Beyond Frames Entertainment AB (publ) on January 24, 2024, in the company’s offices at Bondegatan 21 in Stockholm, the following main decisions were made. For detailed information about the decisions, refer to the complete summons.

1. Extension of the number of board members

Decision: To increase the maximum number of board members to six

2. Election of Board members

Decision: To appoint Catherine Ehrensvärd and Fredrik Burvall as Board members

3. Adjustment of the total Board remuneration

Decision: To adjust the total board fee to SEK 330,000 in consideration of point 6

4. Warrant issue

Decision: To approve warrant program according to Appendix 1.1

The protocol from the extraordinary general meeting will soon be available on the company’s website,

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+46 (0)72 842 49 22

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